ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘

4.2 / 5


ื—ืคืฉ, ื”ืฉื•ื•ื” & ื”ื–ืžืŸ ืจื›ื‘
18-24  25-70  70+
ืื ื™ ื’ืจ ื‘-:

4.2 / 5


why rent a car

ืœืžื” ืœืฉื›ื•ืจ ืจื›ื‘ ื‘-ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื”?

Linkoping Saabs Airport is a great option for those looking to rent a car. Located in the city of Linkoping, Sweden, the airport offers a variety of car rental options for travelers. With a variety of rental companies available, travelers can find the perfect car for their needs. The airport also offers a range of car services, such as car insurance, roadside assistance, and more. Additionally, the airport is conveniently located near a variety of attractions and restaurants, making it an ideal destination for travelers looking to explore the city.

Renting a car in Linkoping Saabs Airport is an affordable and convenient way to explore the city and surrounding areas. With a wide selection of rental cars available, travelers can find the perfect car for their needs. Additionally, the airport offers car services and is conveniently located near a variety of attractions and restaurants. With its great selection of car rental options and convenient location, Linkoping Saabs Airport is the perfect destination for those looking to rent a car in Linkoping.

best way enter

ืžื™ื“ืข ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื”

Linkรถping Saab Airport (LPI) is an international airport located in Linkรถping, Sweden. It is the second busiest airport in Sweden, after Stockholm Arlanda Airport. The airport serves the city of Linkรถping and the surrounding region of ร–stergรถtland. It is a major hub for regional and domestic flights, with connections to major airports in Europe, Scandinavia, and the United States.

Linkรถping Saab Airport is served by several airlines, including SAS, Norwegian Air Shuttle, and Wideroe. It offers direct flights to major cities in Europe, such as London, Paris, Amsterdam, and Berlin. Domestic flights are available to Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmรถ, and Umeรฅ. There are also flights to the United States, with destinations including New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

The airport is located approximately 8 km south of the city center. It is easily accessible by car, taxi, and public transport. There is a bus service from the city center to the airport, operated by Flygbussarna. The journey takes around 20 minutes. Taxis are also available from the city center, and the journey takes around 15 minutes.

Linkรถping Saab Airport offers a range of facilities and services for passengers. These include shops, restaurants, bars, and a currency exchange. There is free Wi-Fi available throughout the airport. The airport also offers car hire services, with a range of car rental companies located in the arrivals hall.

Linkรถping Saab Airport is a convenient and comfortable airport for passengers travelling to and from Linkรถping and the surrounding region. With its wide range of facilities and services, it is an ideal choice for both business and leisure travellers.


ืขื•ื‘ื“ื•ืช ืขืœ ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื”:

  1. IATA Code: LPI
  2. ICAO Code: ESPA
  3. Location: Linkรถping, Sweden
  4. Elevation: 437 ft / 133 m
  5. Runway Length: 7,874 ft / 2,400 m
  6. Number of Terminals: 1
  7. Airlines: Scandinavian Airlines, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Wideroe

ืžื™ื“ืข ืฉื™ืžื•ืฉื™ ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’

  • ืœื™ื“ ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื”

  • ืžืงื•ืžื•ืช ืœื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ ืคื•ืคื•ืœืจื™ื‘ ืฉื•ื•ื“ื™ื”

  • ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ื—ื‘ืจื•ืช ืจื›ื‘ ื‘ ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื”

  • ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ืžึตื™ื“ึธืข

  • ื”ืชืขื•ืคื” ื”ืชืขื•ืคื” ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื”


ื™ืขื“ื™ื ื•ืคืขื™ืœื•ื™ื•ืช ืžื•ื‘ื™ืœื™ื ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’

  1. Linkรถping Cathedral - A beautiful 13th-century Gothic cathedral with a stunning interior, located in the city centre.
  2. Gamla Linkรถping Open-Air Museum - An open-air museum featuring buildings, shops, and other artifacts from the 19th century.
  3. Linkรถping Castle - A castle dating back to the 12th century, located in the city centre.
  4. Valla Skogen Nature Reserve - A nature reserve located near the city centre, offering a variety of hiking trails and outdoor activities.
  5. Linkรถpings Flygvapenmuseum - A museum dedicated to the Swedish Air Force, located at the airport.
  6. Vadstena Abbey - A 15th-century abbey located in the nearby town of Vadstena.
  7. Linkรถping University - A university located in the city centre, offering a variety of courses and activities.

ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจื•ืช

ืจืื” ืœื”ืœืŸ 5 ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจื•ืช ืฉืœ ืœืงื•ื—ื•ืช. ื”ืœืงื•ื—ื•ืช ืฉืœื ื• ื“ื™ืจื’ื• ืืช ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ ืขื ืžืžื•ืฆืข ืฉืœ 6 ื‘ื”ืชื‘ืกืก ืขืœ ื“ื™ืจื•ื’ื™ 10.

ื ืกืงืจ ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™:

Mr Pierre
World Cars

ืฉื™ืจื•ืช ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘:

ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘


December 26, 2022



ืฉื›ืจืชื™ ืžื›ื•ื ื™ืช ืœืคื•ื ื“ืง ื”ื—ื•ืคืฉื” ืฉืœื™ ื‘ืฉื‘ื“ื™ื”. ืฉื™ืจื•ืช ื˜ื•ื‘ ื•ืžื™ื™ืขืฅ ื‘ื˜ืœืคื•ืŸ. ืงืœ ืœืขืฉื•ืช ืืช ื–ื” ื‘ืืชืจ ื”ืื™ื ื˜ืจื ื˜.rnืคื™ื™ืจ

ื ืกืงืจ ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™:

Mr Robert

ืฉื™ืจื•ืช ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘:

ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘


November 29, 2022



ื›ืืฉืจ ื ื•ื“ืข ืœื™ ืฉื–ื” ื”ื™ื” sixt ื”ืœื‘ ืฉืœื™ ืฉืงืข. ื”ื™ื” ืœื™ ื ื™ืกื™ื•ืŸ ืจืข ืื™ืชื.rnrnืขื ื–ืืช ื”ื“ื‘ืจื™ื ื”ืœื›ื• ื˜ื•ื‘ ื•ืื ื™ ืฉื™ืœืžืชื™ ืืช ื”ืžื—ื™ืจ ื”ืžืฆื•ื˜ื˜ ื•ืœื ืฆืจื™ืš ืœืฉืœื ื›ืœ ื ื™ืฆื‘ื™ื.rnrnืื– ืื ื™ ืฉืžื—ื”

ื ืกืงืจ ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™:

Mr Ian

ืฉื™ืจื•ืช ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘:

ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘


November 09, 2022


ื˜ื•ื‘ ืžืื•ื“

ื—ืœืงื” ืœื”ืจื™ื, ืžื›ื•ื ื™ืช ื ื—ืžื“ื” ื•ื—ื–ืจื” ื™ืขื™ืœื” - ืžืื•ื“ ืฉืžื—

ื ืกืงืจ ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™:

Mr Ross

ืฉื™ืจื•ืช ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘:

ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘


October 13, 2022


ืžืื•ื“ ืžืจื•ืฆื” ืžื”ืจื›ื‘

ื ืกืงืจ ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™:

Mr Colin

ืฉื™ืจื•ืช ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘:

ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘ืœื™ื ืงื•ืคื™ื ื’ ืฉื“ื” ืชืขื•ืคื” ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ืขืœ ื”ืฉื›ืจืช ืจื›ื‘


September 07, 2023


ืฉื™ืจื•ืช ื•ืขืจืš

ืžื—ื™ืจ ืžืฆื•ื™ืŸ. ืžื›ื•ื ื™ืช ื—ื“ืฉื” spec ื’ื“ื•ืœ, ืงืœ ืœืœื ืžืืžืฅ ื”ืฉื›ืจื”

ืžื•ืงื“ ื˜ืœืคื•ื ื™ ืฉืขื•ืช ืคืชื™ื—ื”

ืฉื ื™ - ืฉื™ืฉื™ [EST]: 03:00 - 16:00  ืฉื‘ืช - ืจืืฉื•ืŸ : 03:00 - 11:00

ืฉื ื™ - ืฉื™ืฉื™ [GMT]: 08:00 - 16:00  ืฉื‘ืช - ืจืืฉื•ืŸ : 08:00 - 16:00

ืžื•ืงื“ ื˜ืœืคื•ื ื™ ืฉืขื•ืช ืคืชื™ื—ื”

ื‘ '- ื•'

ืฉื‘ืช - ื™ื•ื ืจืืฉื•ืŸ

03:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00



03: 00-11: 00
03: 00-16: 00

ืฆื•ืจ ืงืฉืจ ื‘ื˜ืœืคื•ืŸ

  • (++61) 1800 210 813ืื•ืกื˜ืจืœื™ื” (++61) 1800 210 813
  • (++32) 02 400 4165ื‘ืœื’ื™ื” (++32) 02 400 4165
  • (+420) 225 985 717ื”ืจืคื•ื‘ืœื™ืงื” ื”ืฆ'ื›ื™ืช (+420) 225 985 717
  • (+31) (0) 800 020 0459ื”ื•ืœื ื“ (+31) (0) 800 020 0459
  • (+48) 221 165 898ืคื•ืœื™ืŸ (+48) 221 165 898
  • (+966) 800 8500 803ืขืจื‘ ื”ืกืขื•ื“ื™ืช (+966) 800 8500 803
  • +34 900670514ืกืคืจื“+34 900670514
  • (+44) (0) 800 078 9054ื‘ืจื™ื˜ื ื™ื” (+44) (0) 800 078 9054
  • (++1) 866 735 1715ืืจืฆื•ืช ื”ื‘ืจื™ืช (++1) 866 735 1715
  • (+44) (0) 800 078 9054ื›ืœ ืฉืืจ (+44) (0) 800 078 9054