Pouso Alegre Biluthyrning

4.2 / 5


SÖk, JÄmfÖr & Boka Din Bil
18-24  25-70  70+

4.2 / 5


Varför hyra en bil i Pouso Alegre?

Pouso Alegre is a city located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is known for its beautiful landscapes, historical sites and unique culture. Renting a car in Pouso Alegre is a great way to explore the city and its surroundings. By renting a car in Pouso Alegre, you can enjoy the freedom to explore the city and its attractions without relying on public transport. You can also take advantage of the low cost of car rental in the city, making it an affordable way to explore the city and its surroundings. With a car rental, you can also enjoy the convenience of having your own vehicle to get around, allowing you to visit the many attractions of the city without worrying about transport.

Pakistan Car Rental

Biluthyrningsinformation för Pouso Alegre

Pouso Alegre is a city located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is known for its lush green valleys, rolling hills, and stunning waterfalls. The city is located about 220 kilometers south of Belo Horizonte, the capital of the state. It is a popular tourist destination due to its natural beauty and abundance of activities.

The main attractions in Pouso Alegre are its waterfalls, including the popular Cachoeira do Ferreiro and the Cachoeira do Meio. There are also numerous parks, trails, and other outdoor activities to explore. Visitors can also enjoy the local cuisine, which includes regional dishes like feijoada, a black bean stew, and pĂŁo de queijo, a delicious cheese bread.

The best way to get to Pouso Alegre is by car. It takes about four and a half hours from Belo Horizonte. There are also buses and vans that leave from the city center and take about five hours to reach the city. Once in Pouso Alegre, visitors can explore the city on foot or by renting a car or scooter.

Pouso Alegre is a great destination for those looking for a peaceful getaway surrounded by nature. With its beautiful waterfalls and lush landscapes, it is the perfect place to relax and unwind. Whether you are looking for adventure or relaxation, Pouso Alegre has something for everyone.

Fakta om Pouso Alegre

  1. Location: Pouso Alegre is located in the southeastern part of Brazil, in the state of Minas Gerais.
  2. Population: The population of Pouso Alegre is estimated at around 177,000 people.
  3. Climate: Pouso Alegre has a tropical climate, with hot and humid summers and mild winters.
  4. Economy: The economy of Pouso Alegre is mainly based on agriculture, livestock, and small industries.
  5. Education: Pouso Alegre has several universities, such as the Universidade Federal de Viçosa and the Universidade de Pouso Alegre.
  6. Culture: Pouso Alegre is known for its vibrant culture, with many festivals and events taking place throughout the year.
  7. Tourism: Pouso Alegre is a popular tourist destination, with attractions such as the Serra da Canastra National Park and the Cachoeira dos Pretos Waterfall.
Pakistan Car Rental

De bÀsta sÀtten att ange Pouso Alegre?

  • By Car - Pouso Alegre is easily accessible by car, as it is located on the main highway BR-265.
  • By Plane - The city of Pouso Alegre is served by the Pouso Alegre Airport, which offers domestic flights.
  • By Bus - The city of Pouso Alegre is served by several bus companies, offering daily routes from nearby cities.
  • By Train - There is a train station located in the city, which is served by the Belo Horizonte-SĂŁo Paulo line.
  • By Boat - The city is also accessible by boat, as there are several ports located along the ParaĂ­ba do Sul river.

Toppdestinationer och aktiviteter Pouso Alegre

  1. Parque Municipal do Pouso Alegre: A great place for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and picnicking.
  2. Museu de HistĂłria Natural: A museum featuring natural history exhibits, interactive activities, and educational programs.
  3. Parque das Águas: A park with a lake, playground, and trails for walking and biking.
  4. CĂąnion do Rio das Mortes: A stunning canyon with breathtaking views and a variety of activities such as rappelling, hiking, and camping.
  5. Lagoa da Prata: A beautiful lake surrounded by lush vegetation and home to a variety of water sports and activities.
  6. Serra do CipĂł: A mountain range with a variety of trails for hiking and biking.
  7. Museu de Arte Sacra: A museum featuring religious art and artifacts from the region.

Pouso Alegre Biluthyrning recensioner

Se nedan de senaste 5 kundrecensionerna. VÄra kunder betygsatta Pouso Alegre Biluthyrning med i genomsnitt 6 baserat pÄ 10 betyg.

Granskats av:

Mr Ramaratnam

Rentalcargroup Service:

Pouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversikt


December 31, 2022


Det var smidigt och hade inga problem med uthyrning. absolut en bris. tack.

Granskats av:

Mr Claudio A
Brazil Localiza

Rentalcargroup Service:

Pouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversikt


December 31, 2022


Total VÄnlighet

Du löser problem. genier

Granskats av:

Ms Alexandra
Brazil Localiza

Rentalcargroup Service:

Pouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversikt


November 24, 2022


Bra Kundservice

Det var oerhört enkelt att hyra en bil genom rentalcargroup och onlinechatten fungerar bra, vi fick svar pÄ alla vÄra frÄgor direkt. ocksÄ localiza var stor, det fanns inga problem och alla var otroligt vÀnliga och hjÀlpsamma. europa behöver lÀra sig frÄn brasil nÀr det gÀller kundtjÀnst! :)

Granskats av:

Mr Sergio

Rentalcargroup Service:

Pouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversikt


November 21, 2022


Far Pickup

Foco hyrbil, gig (rio de janeiro) filial ligger 20 minuter lÄngt frÄn flygplatsen. vi vÀntade pÄ 45 minuter för van, som inte visade sig, Àven efter tvÄ telefonsamtal.

Granskats av:

Mr Jean Claude

Rentalcargroup Service:

Pouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversiktPouso Alegre biluthyrningsöversikt


November 11, 2022


UtmÀrkt Upplevelse

Plocka upp pÄ flygplatsen och tid för att fÄ papperet fÀrdigt och ta emot bilen var optimal. mycket trevliga personer vid skrivbordet. bilen var i bra form. jag ska hyra igen

Call center öppettider

[EST] MĂ„n - Fre: 03:00 - 16:00  Lör - Sön: 3:00 till 11:00

[GMT] MĂ„n - Fre: 08:00 - 16:00  Lör - Sön: 8:00 till 16:00

Call center öppettider

MĂ„n - Fre

Lör - sön

03:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00



03:00 - 11:00
03:00 - 16:00

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